improved quality through safety

Improved quality through safety

Quality, Know-how and a sense for the demands of the market - this is what Weber Kunststofftechnik stands out with. A lot of our products have approvals and certificates awarded by recognized institutions. For reasons of quality assurance, there are regular tests of the products we manufacture and the services we provide.

  • Deutscher Verband für Schweißtechnik e.V. (DVS) (German welding Society)
  • Schweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt Halle GmbH (welding training and research institute Halle, Germany)
  • TÜV Nord Systems
  • TÜV NORD installation engineering
  • Deutsches Institut für Bautechnik, Berlin (German Institut for Structural Engineering, Berlin)
  • Material testing institut for materials and production engineering
  • VLAREM II Belgien
  • GOST R

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