chemical handling - Weber Kunststofftechnik

Chemical handling

Our plants guarantee maximum safety for the operator in thedaily use of aggressive media. As part of the responsibility for persons and environment we meet the requirements of existing laws and regulations, also with regard to future developments.
According to the cause for concern principle of the Water ManagementAct (WHG), everybody is obligated to apply the required care to protect waters from pollution and to achieve aneconomic usage of them (extract from WHG § 1a, sec. 2).Therefore every company has the obligation of precaution when storing and using dangerous substances. Plants must be operated in a way that prevents that water-hazardous substances get into the groundwater. As a specialised company according to the WHG, we provide the complete plant technology and components which fully meet these requirements.

  • Planning with quotations
  • Assistance with planning permission and tenders
  • Safety considerations
  • Implementation planning
  • Project Management
  • Installation, commissioning
  • Maintenance

Gallery: Chemical handling

how it works: protection against tank leaks